Wardrobe Essentials
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Don't forget essential undergarments and wardrobe items! We carry a variety of pantyhose, body shapers, bras, and more from top brands like Dominique, Julie France Leger, Fashion Forms, and Berkshire. In stock or special orders available.
Body Hush
Body Hush™ technologies have redefined shapewear and we have stepped up our research to create shapewear that meets the needs of the modern woman who seeks control, excellent fit, and invisibility under tight clothing.
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Dominique Intimate Apparel
New luxurious foundation that feel good and make a difference in the fit of your clothing
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Fashion Form®
Specialty bras and accessories that help women wear any garment with confidence.
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Berkshire Hosiery
Berkshire Hosiery is simply the finest made, best fitting hosiery on the market.
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